Nigerian Energy Support Programme(NESP)
The Nigerian Energy Support Programme (NESP) is a technical assistance programme co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Power (FMP). NESP Provides advisory services to the Nigerian Government with regard to energy policy and management, it’s main objective is to promote investments in the domestic market for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Rural Electrification. The programme is engaged in creating an enabling environment for the ‘Organizational development for Associations in the Nigerian EE and RE sector’ to enable them take up a more strategic role in policy advocacy, market development, standards development, capacity building etc. in the RE and EE sector.

BSW-Solar (German Solar Association)
The German Solar Industry Association is the interest group of the German solar energy industry. The Partnership Project between BSW Solar and the Alliance, is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in cooperation with SEQUA under the Chamber and Associations Partnership Program, and aims to support the REEEA-Alliance so as to able to represent the interests of its members and thus offer demand driven services toward their membership. The overall purpose is to promote the development of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency sector in Nigeria, aiming at enabling and fostering investments in the domestic market for the RE & EE and at improving the more widespread access to quality electricity in Nigeria.
World Economic Forum(WEF)
The World Economic Forum (WEF) launched the Mobilizing Investments for Clean Energy in Emerging Economies (MICEE) which aims to mobilize efforts and investments to significantly contribute to clean energy transitions and towards achieving SDG7 in key emerging and developing economies (EMDEs). Through a combination of research, dialogue and multi-stakeholder collaboration the MICEE country deep dives analyses the key issues faced in specific emerging economies, identify practical solutions, and assess the viability to pilot or implement at scale some of these solutions to support the country’s energy transition goals. The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Associations (The Alliance) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) are partnering to explore opportunities for Nigeria to unlock more investments into the clean energy sector.

African Network for Solar Energy (ANSOLE)
African Network for Solar Energy (ANSOLE), an initiative of African scientists for Africa and the rest of the world, is a platform of exchange among various stakeholders who are all devoted to promote in a concerted way the use of various renewable energy forms to address the acute energy problem in Africa while preserving and protecting the environment. Ansole e.V is partnering (…in corsortium with ……) the Alliance on a research on opportunities & risks of hydrogen partnerships & technologies in developing countries. The Alliance is set to organize a workshop and will bring stakeholders together to discuss Green Hydrogen and its impact in the country.
Africa Minigrid Developers Association(AMDA)
AMDA is an industry association created by private sector minigrid developers and operators, donors and investors seeking to improve market conditions for minigrid companies The Africa Minigrid Developers Association has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Alliance, to promote the development of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency sector and to bridge the gap between individual organizations and serve as a focal point between member organizations and government institutions. The collaboration aims at fostering consolidated efforts in promoting minigrids and decentralized utilities for rural electrification and the associated strategies and business needs to ensure sector growth and support developers through mutual promises, covenants and conditions.