Board of Trustees (BoT)
Board of Trustees (BoT) is constituted of representatives of the member associations and is advising the Steering Committee in the discharge of their responsibilities. Main tasks of the BoT include the reviewing and endorsing of strategies and budget of the Alliance; the engagement with policy makers and law makers, development makers and civil society; and the settlement of misunderstandings or disputes between the SC and the General Assembly.

Association of Energy Engineers(AEE), Nigeria
(Member, Board of Trustees)
Renewable and Alternative Energy Society of Nigeria (RAESON)
(Member, Board of Trustees)
Sustainable Energy Practitioners of Nigeria (SEPAN)
(Member, Board of Trustees)
Women in Renewable Energy Association (WIRE-A)
(Member, Board of Trustees)

Steering Committee (SC)
The Steering Committee (SC) is in charge of the Alliance policies and strategies and supervises the work of the Coordination Desk. The responsibility for policies and strategies includes the approval of a Strategic Plan, a 3–5-year Business Plan, and an Annual Activity and Finance Plan, and the identification of advocacy issues and the appointment of ad-hoc committees and working groups. Guidance and supervision of the Coordination Desk covers decisions and approval of individual projects and activities, the approval of larger expenditures and supervision of financial transactions.

Steering Committee (SC)
The Steering Committee (SC) is in charge of the Alliance policies and strategies and supervises the work of the Coordination Desk. The responsibility for policies and strategies includes the approval of a Strategic Plan, a 3–5-year Business Plan, and an Annual Activity and Finance Plan, and the identification of advocacy issues and the appointment of ad-hoc committees and working groups. Guidance and supervision of the Coordination Desk covers decisions and approval of individual projects and activities, the approval of larger expenditures and supervision of financial transactions.
Sustainable Energy Practitioners of Nigeria (SEPAN)
(Vice-Chairman, Steering Committee)